
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween Treats

These treats are fun to make.  You just simply use our recipe for Rice Chex Treats but heat the syrup to a slightly lower temperature (~150 degrees) to make softer treats.  This allows for easier cutting. 

Mix the ingredients as suggested then press them into a greased jellyroll pan or other pan with sides being sure not to make them more than about 3/4 inch thick.  CAREFUL:  If you make these too thick or press them too tightly into the pan, they will be too thick and dense to cut with cookie cutters. 

ALTERNATE METHOD:  Mix the ingredients as suggested then press it into cookie cutters using the cutters as molds rather than for cutting the shapes. Carefully remove the shape from the cutter, using oil on the cutter to make this easier.  If shapes are not coming out well, let the treats sit in the molds to cool before removing them.

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