
Monday, February 28, 2011

Cranberry-Banana Rice Porridge (Jjuk)

Cranberry-Banana Rice Porridge (Jjuk)

This porridge can be made simply with rice and a little salt for flavor - the perfect baby food.  However, by adding vegetables or fruit, you can make a complete meal perfect for breakfasts, snacks or older babies.

1 C cooked rice  (short or medium grain works best)
3/4 C water
1/2 banana
1/8 C dried cranberries, raisins, cherries or apricots
1 T brown sugar (optional)
salt (optional)
  1. Place rice and water in a small pot.
  2. Simmer on low until the rice is broken down and it has reached desired consistency, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
  3. Turn off heat and add banans, dried fruit, brown sugar and a dash of salt.
  4. Stir and let rest for 1 minute then stir again. 
  5. Taste and adjust seasonings.
  6. Serves 1-2 people.

NOTE:  If you do not have rice already cooked, you may substitute uncooked rice using a 1:6 rice to water ratio.  For a single serving, you would use 1/4 C uncooked rice and 1 1/2 C water. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Doing it for love: a Mom's story

I have heard that there is a fine line between laughing and crying.  Today, I felt like laughing but to my suprise, I ended up in tears....tears of joy, of laughter, of understaninding ..... the kind of understanding that only comes from being a mom. 

I found this Mother's Day video today and just couldn't wait until Mother's Day to share it.  So, laugh, cry, and tell me what would you do?

How many times have each of us heard, "Wow, what does your angel eat?  How can you do all of that?"  These questions that make us look like miracle moms and do-ers of the impossible.  The ones that make you put on your super-cape, fly overhead and accomplish the impossible.... flying high until .... our cape gets snagged on a branch.  Those branches that keep things "real", that help us remember: we are doing this for love.  Would you have it any other way?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Roasted Pork with Pear and Cranberry Sauce

This is a recipe originally posted last November.  But, it pairs so nicely with the Cranberry-Ginger Wild Rice recipe from last week that I had to repost it.

I found this recipe in one of those coupon inserts that come in the mail.  I didn't think much of it at the time that I removed it but now, I wish I had remembered where it came from.  This recipe is fabulous and very allergy-friendly.  The "Pan Sauce" looks like gravy and, although I wasn't crazy for it alone, it really popped when you ate it with the pork.

Roast Pork with Pear and Cranberry Pan Sauce

2 lbs. pork loin or pork tenderloin
2 T orange zest, minced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 T thyme, minced
1 T kosher salt
3 pears, quartered
1 medium onion, diced
1/4 c dried cranberries
1/4 cup chicken broth
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a small bowl, combine zest, garlic, thyme, and salt.  Set aside.
  3. Remove pork loin from packaging and pat dry with paper towels.
  4. rub the salt mixture all over the pork loin until well coated.
  5. Place the loin into a roasting pan with pears and onions and roast until internal temperature is between 150- 160 degrees. (approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour).
  6. Remove pork loin from pan.  Let it sit for 5 minutes before slicing.
  7. Put the pan drippings and the vegetables into a blender.  Blend on high until smooth.  Add chicken broth to achieve desired consistency. (I tried to substitute water and it really lacked something in taste.  It definitely needs broth or pan drippings.)
  8. Stir in the dried cranberries and spoon sauce over medallion slices of pork.  Serve.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Food allergies and loneliness - a harsh reality

Today, the results of a new study were released:   "EAACI: Food allergies in children cause anxiety and loneliness, have dramatic impact on their quality of life".  This study, centered in Europe,looked at the lifestyles of 107 food allergic children and their mothers. Two of the results really concerned me - (1) children with food allergies are not getting enough exercise; and, (2) food allergic children are increasingly lonely.

Although these results are not news to most of us with food allergic children, it is news that may surprise others. In this generation flooded with childhood obesity, we need to be aware that children are being left out of activities because they threaten their life. Those who teach and those who specialize in physical fitness need to be vigilant and prepared. What can we do to help these children with limited food resources find exercises that are safe and which help preserve their healthy little bodies? For this, I have no answer. I am fortunate that as of yet, my angel plays healthily and happily just as most of the children you know. But, what would I do if that changed? I know that it could.  My angel loves to exercise and a life without it is one that would be hard for us to handle.  I don't know what I would do but I do know that I would find a solution.  Health is precious and exercise is a part of a healthy life.  A child who can not exercise is not a healthy child and, as a society, we can not turn a blind eye when children are left out.
The second result of this research is one that is of growing concern at our house. Although my angel gets invited to birthday parties, we do bring our own snacks. While this may bother my angel a tad, I don't think it is of yet a big problem. My angel likes the food that I send and even likes the fact that others often want to share in that food rather than eat their own. So, in my house parties are not a concern....yet.  Our greater concern is that we are not being invited to others homes for dinner or parties which center around food.  Despite the fact that we frequently entertain guests in our home, others are not inviting us into theirs. At first, I had the normal concern that perhaps my angel or I just weren't well liked. However, as time has passed and the same people are still thrilled to come to our home for dinner but not inviting us to theirs, I have come to realize that many are concerned for my angel's safety. They are concerned that their homes aren't clean enough or that they can't cook for all of us safely. I have reassured those who told me of their concerns but I have come to realize that our being excluded is the reality of our situation.  I don't accept that this is ok nor that my angel must be lonely, but I do realize that this battle is not mine alone. In fact, it is not the battle of allergic parents at all. This battle belongs to those who are unsure, those who do not want to compromise their lifestyles and to those who do not care. As mothers of our allergic angels, we do our best to form a comfortable and safe life that allows us to bless and be blessed by those around us. We are ready to learn from those who know better and educate those who want to know more. But, we can not force change upon others who are not ready to face or embrace our realities.  Living with food allergies is difficult and sometimes even lonely.  However, I do not know exactly how those of us living this reality are going to change this today or even tomorrow.

This research is a solemn reminder of the social implications that come with food allergies. It is a reminder to cherish those who have called us friend, opening their hearts, homes and minds to us. A sincere, "Thank you," to each of you who call us friend. As for those who are not yet ready to traverse into the sometimes difficult world of food allergies, I understand.....we understand.  But, when you are ready, we will still be here learning to live and love one food at a time.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cranberry-Ginger Wild Rice

I made this one for Thanksgiving and although it was delicious with the turkey, it was even better as a cold leftover the next day!  Give this a try and let me know how you prefer it!

Cranberry-Ginger Wild Rice

2/3 C short or medium grain white rice
1/3 C wild rice (you choose the mix)
1/2 yellow or sweet onion, finely chopped
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
1/2 T salt
1 T oil
1 3/4 - 2 C water
1 C dried Craisins
  1. Saute onion, ginger and oil in large stainless steel skillet or pot.  Add salt.  When onion begins to become transluscent, add the rice and saute for 4 minutes.  Do not use teflon, the rice will scratch it while stirring.
  2. Place oven in the rice cooker or pot where you will cook the rice.  Add the water.
  3. Close the lid and allow to rest for  1 to 2 hours.
  4. Rice Cooker: Cook rice according to rice cooker directions for a pot of mixed rice. 
  5. Pot Cooking:  Turn heat on high and bring to boil.  Watch carefully so that pot does not boil over.  Once boiling, turn heat to low and cook slowly for about 50 minutes.  Do not remove lid.  Once rice is cooked, turn off heat.
  6. Add craisins to the rice and give it a gentle toss with a fork or rice paddle. Then, allow to rest with the lid on for appox. 15 minutes.
  7. Stir ingredients into rice, adjust seasoning and serve warm or let cool to eat chilled.
NOTE 1:  You may increase or decrease the white to wild rice ratio depending on your tolerance or taste.

NOTE 2:  You must adjust the amount of water according to the ratio of white to wild rice.  Wild rice requires more water to cook and older rices also require more water.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The amazing thing about growing old...

Growing older is truly an amazing thing.  To watch young people find love.  To see a new baby discover its toes.  And to see kids grow up. 

No, I am not THAT old.  But, I am old enough to have seen children pass through childhood, into adulthood and become parents of their own joyful bundles.  And as I gaze upon God's work, nothing amazes me more than seeing those amazing young adults grow into people that teach me about the new and amazing things of their generation.

I know that I am not expressing this clearly so let me give you some examples.  I have heard my mother say that I teach her and I dress her but until recently I couldn't completely understand that amazing feeling.  The pride-full feeling you get when you realize that someone you once taught, someone who looked to you for advice, is now wise and knowledgeable in their own right.  Wise, knowledgable and capable of teaching you about the amazing things that their world holds.  Things that you don't know; things that you don't understand; things that you didn't even know existed.

Today, I was drawn into a re-post for a computer give-away.  Yes, well, I could use a new computer and thought that it was worth checking out.  It turned out that the give-away was from a blog that I am not comfortable supporting but the technology that it used and the vision of those in the new generation left me acknowledging that I am not "in touch" with all that this new social media generation holds.  Despite the fact that I blog, tweet, FB and all that jazz, I am sadly amiss from all that it can do.  I admittedly don't always understand what #FF means or how to monetize my site.  I am able to do what I need - what I want - but in the end still wonder what other amazing things are out there.

In this culture where getting old is often thought of as losing touch or "over the hill", in a world where we fight to "wash that gray right out of our hair", is there not a place for both the young to learn from the old and the old to learn from the young?  And why do the old feel that they can learn nothing from the generations behind them?  Why are children taught to listen to their elders but the parents are not taught to listen to their young?

As I approach one of thoseB-I-G birthdays this year, I hope that I can learn to listen better to those younger than me.  Learn to hear better the amazing things that my angel teaches me each day.  I pray that I gain the wisdom that comes with the gray hairs and the joy that comes with Peace.  God, this year, give me the humility that comes with realizing that I know nothing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Say something.
Do something.
Be yourself.

- Rev. Dale Turner

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A bento full of love....

As many of us are now doing, I frequently pack bento-style lunches for my angel.  For this Valentine's Day, I have packed a special bento for the occasion.  It includes ham and crackers with a side of fruit. I have also included a little Cranberry Squeeze that may use as "icing" to decorate their lunch.  How fun is that?!  This bento is the perfect way to remind your angel much they are loved any day of the year.

What you'll need:
a small box for packing a tight bento (Glad,
 Rubbermaid or Lock and Lock work well)
a mandoline
a paring knife
a heart shaped cookie cutter
a small plastic bag
small melon baller
Magic Bullet
small, circular bento liners or cupcake liners

Onion Garlic Brown Rice Snaps
Thick Sliced Honey Ham
Dressed-up Cranberry Sauce, 2 T
Canteloupe, whole
Broccoli tops, fresh
  1. Ham Hearts:  Using the heart shaped cookie cutter, cut hearts out of the slices of ham.  Cut enough hearts so that when they are stacked, they fill the depth of the packing container.
  2. Cranberry Squeeze:  Open a jar of the Dressed-up Cranberry Sauce that we canned recently or make a new batch of Dressed-up Cranberry Sauce.  Place 2 T in a Magic Bullet and blend until smooth.  Pour the sauce into the small plastic bag.  Squeeze the sauce into the corner of the bag and tie a twisty tie around the bag to form a cone.  Cut off the extra bag leaving the cranberry sauce in a small, sealed, cone-shaped bag.
  3. Canteloupe Hearts:  Cut the rind from the entire canteloupe.  Don't worry about the seeds on the inside, you can clean those later.  Cut the ends from the canteloupe.  If these ends are too thick, cut them in half to creat 2 thin, large, circles.  Using your heart cookie cutter, cut hearts in the canteloupe circles.  Cut enough so that when they are stacked, they full the depth of the packing container. 
  4. Steamed Broccoli:  Cut broccoli head into small pieces.  Bring an inch of water or less to boil in a pot.  Throw the broccoli in and cook until just soft.  Remove and dip in ice cold water to stop the cooking and perserve the green color.
  5. Packing the Bento:  A bento must be packed tight to prevent the foods from shifting during transport.  So, your bento will pack differently than mine, varying based with the size and shape of the box.  When packing your bento, you want to make an attractive, tightly packed box using the small bento liners to help keep ingredients separate.  There is no right or wrong way so just start packing.  If you find that you have extra space, go to your fridge or cabinet and pull out some small fruits or candies and tuck them where needed to complete the meal.
NOTE:  Because my angel can only have limited amounts of cranberries, I decided to put Cherry Jello in the corner of a sandwich bag and seal it to make a little cone.  It turned out to be a cute way to include a little something sweet in her bento. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kiss and Chase: Play it Safe

Can you remember back in the 4th grade when we all used to run around playing that old game of Kiss-and-Chase?  It was the one where the boys chased the girls and tried to kiss them.  Can you remember waiting until that one special boy started chasing you and you secretly ran slower just so he could catch you?  Oh, I clearly remember those days.  I remember playing it when I was 6 and thought that all boy's kisses had "cooties".  I also remember well the day that I decided that boys "cooties weren't so bad after all!

While I don't think that kids today are even allowed to play that game any more, when I think of my angel playing that game, I see all of the dangerous possibilities that lie before her.  This one ate peanuts before playing or that one ate eggs for breakfast.  Heck, now they even say that the food proteins stay in the mouth for days so if someone's angel ate Asian food within the last few days, their little peck on my angel's cheek would surely mean a hospital visit and potentially even death.

My angel is still little and the only kisses that I have to worry about, for now, are those that come from us or the grandparents.  But, it won't be long before kiss-and-chase becomes a reality.  It won't be long before someone else realizes how special my angel is and shows it with a kiss.

Every parent knows that kissing is just part of growing up.  We can not stop our kids and those who love them from showing affection.  Kids with Food Allergies realizes this, too.  They have published a guide to safe smooching entitled "Are you a careful kisser? How to smooch safely with food allergies".  The rules of engagement have changed as more and more people develop food allergies.  This guide is a great start to protecting those we love.

So, this Valentine's Day, while you are cuddling and smooching, don't forget that kissing can spread more than germs.  Ask before you smooch and think about what you've eaten.  Wash hands, face and mouth well.  Kiss on the cheek when you can and save those lip kisses for that one person you love most.

Valentine's Day is a day for loving and laughing.  Do it!  Play kiss and chase.  Run slow.  Let someone catch you.  Go get you some "sugar"!  But, also remember - smooching safely means that the fun will continue.  One unsafe kiss can spoil a memory forever.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Canning Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce is delicious year-round.  However, cranberries are harder to find once the holiday season is over.  Right now, groceries are
eager to get rid of their extra stock.  That makes this the perfect time of the year to can our Dressed-up Cranberry Sauce.  By doubling our recipe, you will have enough sauce to last you the rest of the year and still have a few jars to give away.   Even if you have never canned before, this easy recipe is the perfect start.  It will leaving you wondering what to can next.  Just remember, before you begin the canning process, it is important to review the procedures and recipe.  Once the canning process begins, it goes quite fast so preparation is of the utmost importance. 

You will need:

10 wide mouth pint jars, washed
10 wide mouth lids, unused
10 wide mouth rings
one clean white towel
4 clean towels
jar lifter
measuring cup
teakettle with boiling water

ingredients to make a double recipe of Dressed-Up Cranberry Sauce

Step 1:  Place a white towel in the bottom of a large stew pot.  The pot should hold at least 5 jars or you will have to boil multiple batches.  Place clean canning jars on towel so that they are not touching but do not have much room to move once the pot begins boiling.  They selling pots specifically for canning that have a rim for holding the jars.  However, it is not necessary to have one of those to properly can cranberries.  Fill the pot with water so that the water is 1-2 inches about the jars.  Heat the water to 180 degrees.

Step2:  Place clean, unused canning lids in a pot of warm water.  Allow them to remain in that water until they are placed on the jars.  Just before canning, I like to heat this water to boiling for an extra precaution. 

Step 3:  Lay out your canning utensils.  Place clean lids, measuring cup, rubber spatula and jar lifter on a clean towel in the area that you have set aside for the canning procedure.  Place another clean towel next to that.  This is where you will place the hot jars for filling.  I like to set up my canning equipment near the stove where you cook the sauce and boil the jars.  See the picture for Step 5 for a view of my complete layout.

Step 4: While the jars are coming to temperature, make your Dressed-Up Cranberry Sauce.  Remember when cooking the sauce that it will cook more in the jars during processing so it is better to slightly undercook it when canning. 

Step 5:  Once the sauce is cooked and the jars have come to temperature, you may begin canning.  Using the jar lifters, remove the jars from the canning pot and place on the dry towel near your canning tools.  Fill each jar with sauce leaving 1/4 inch headspace at the top of the jar.  Run the rubber spatula around the edges of the jar to ensure that there are no air bubbles.  Wipe any sauce from the rim of the jars.  Place the boiling lids on the jars.  Put a ring on each jar not tightening too much.

Step 6:  Put the jars backin the large pot of water.  Be careful not to tilt the jars.  Sauce on the lid or edges can cause spoilage or prevent a full seal.  Cover jars with 2 inches of water.  Cover pot.  Turn heat on high and bring jars to a rapid boil.  Heat may be lowered at this point but jars should remain at a continuous gently rolling boil for 20 minutes (15 minutes if below 1000 feet, 25 minutes if above 6000 feet).  Water must remain above the tops of the jars.  If the water level begins to fall, add boiling water and turn heat up to maintain the boil.

Step 7:  When the jars have finished processing, remove the pot's lid and leave the jars in the water for 5 minutes.  Then, using the jar lifter, remove the jars and place them on a clean towel or a cake rack.  DO NOT TOUCH AGAIN.  Do not tighten the lids or push the tops.  Leave the jars to rest at room temperature until they have cooled (approx. 12-24 hours).

Step 8:  Once the jars have cooled, remove the rings of the sealed jars.  Wash and label then store them in a cool, dry place out of direct light.  It is possible that some jars will not seal.  These jars should be placed in the refrigerator and used first. 

Your first time canning?  Still feeling a little unsure?  You can do this.  It really isn't as hard as our mom's made us think!  Here are some additional resources that might help ease your fears:   

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

From the mouths of angels.....

"Wow, you went potty fast."
"Yeah, my hiney knew the Ipad was on!"

Love your Heart ... And your cranberries!

In 1963, February was declared American Heart month. In an effort to raise awareness about heart health, each President is to declare this month of love as a month to remember our hearts.  Last week, February 3rd was declared GO RED DAY.  People were asked to wear red as a reminder that heart disease is not just about the men. In fact, this silent killer remains the #1 illness for women and remains a serious concern for men.

This month, will also be "wearing red" by posting a new recipe or idea for cranberries. Cranberries are not just for Thanksgiving. they are a super food, a fruit, that fights cancer and contributes to overall body health. These tiny fruits are often overlooked and we forget that they can be consumed in more ways than just juice or sauce.

Here is a look at what is coming:
Canning Cranberry Sauce
Bento full of love
Ginger-Cranberry Wild Rice
Roasted Pork with Pear and Cranberry Pan Sauce
Cranberry-Banana Rice Porridge (Jjuk)

So, stock up on cranberries as we remember to love our hearts!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snack Match: Apple Smiles


A snack match is an allergy-friendly snack
that nutritionally and/or visually resembles
a popular children's snack.

This week's snack is:
Apple Smiles made from sliced apples,
cream cheese and marshmallows

Snack Match substitute: Smiling Pears

Smiling Pears
My angel thought these lips had rotten teeth!

My angel's class has been studying dental hygene and, to end the theme, decided to make Apple Smiles.  The apples were cut into wedges then smeared with cream cheese then the kids added marshmallow "teeth" to their smiles.  This "smile" was nothing that my little one would smile about so I came up with an alternative - Smiling Pears.  They were lots of fun, very healthy and reinforced a good lesson.

1/4 pear
1/4 C rice flour
1/4 t sugar
2/3 t honey
2-4 T hot water
Ocean Spray Craisins
  1. Cut pear into 2 wedges.
  2. Place pear wedges on a plate and turn the wedges to face each other like a pair of lips.
  3. In a small cup or bowl, mix rice flour, sugar, and honey.
  4. Begin adding hot water to the mix, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the mixture reaches a consistency slightly thinner than that of cream cheese.
  5. Let the flour mixture rest for 5 minutes to allow excess water to absorb and rice flour to reach a smoother texture.
  6. When flour mixture is ready, it should resemble cream cheese.
  7. Place Craisins in another small cup.
  9. Give your angels the pear "lips", flour mix, a small spoon, and the Craisin "teeth".  Have the kids smear a little of the flour mix onto their lips then stick the "teeth" onto the flour mix. 
  10. Enjoy with smiles!
NOTE:  The texture of the flour mix can sometimes be grainy.  If you would like to make a smoother texture, add a little more water and microwave 10 seconds at a time  until slightly cooked.  Use while still warm (not hot).  Careful....if you overcook this, it will turn into a rice cake!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl Slider Patties

Who can resist a delicious slider?  Tiny little patties on itsy bitsy buns....the perfect hand-held food! 

I have been itching to grill again and have been experimenting to find the perfect allergy-free bun for our angel. Although the bun idea is not yet fully baked, the patty recipe is. So, pull out your favorite bun substitute, whether that be crackers, latkes, or a store-version and let's slide into some SuperBowl fun!

Slider Patties

1 lb. Ground beef
1/4 lb. Bacon
1/4 Onion, chopped
1 1/2 T Garlic powder
1/2 T Salt

1/2 C Radish Sprouts, slightly chopped
1/4 cucumber
1 T Rice oil
salt, to taste

  1. Cut bacon into 1cm pieces.
  2. Mix the beef, bacon, onion and spices together.
  3. Refrigerate for 2-8 hours.
  4. Measure 1T meat mixture and form into a ball. flatten the ball leaving a slight indentation in the center in case the guests want to add condiments to their sliders. It is best to form all of the patties before cooking. This allows you to focus on the cooking process and prevent burning any of these precious little bites.
  5. Cook the patties by frying in a pan or broiling in the oven. You may try grilling but I found it harder to flip these tiny jewels there.
  6. Once cooked, place each burger directly onto their bun so that the juices may flavor your bread substitute.
  7. While the burgers are cooking, toss radish sprouts with oil and salt.
  8. Thinly slice cucumber with a knife or on a mandolin.
  9. Place one slice of cucmber and a small pile of the sprout mix on top of each slider patty then serve open face or top with another "bun".
  10. Serve and enjoy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

SuperBowl Sunday: Simply Baked Party Wings

These wings get eaten so quickly at my house that I had trouble getting a picture of them for this post.  The picture to the left is evidence of what happens if you leave the plate unattended for too long. 

I hope that your family enjoys them as much as mine!

Simply Baked Party Wings

2 lbs. chicken wings
1/4 C rice oil
garlic powder
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil. 
  3. If wings are not pre-cut into party wings, cut the wings into three pieces with one cut at each of the two joints.  Discard the wing tip or save them for soup.
  4. Rinse the wings and place them on the pan.
  5. Drizzle oil over wings.
  6. Sprinkle wings with salt and garlic powder.  You can do this to meet your family's taste but remember that this is the only flavor these wings will have so do not be afraid to sprinkle generously.
  7. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until wings are cooked to brown and crispy.
  8. Remove from oven.  Let rest 5 minutes and serve.
These wings are tasty eaten alone or with our Apricot Dipping Sauce.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Year of the Rabbit: A toast

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year "Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown."

And he replied, "Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way!"

Minnie Louise Haskins, The Gate of the Year

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lunar New Year: Traditional Dduk Guk

This soup is a MUST for the New Year!  It is a rich beef stock in which the dduk, or rice cakes, are boiled just until cooked.  These rice cakes are made by rolling the dough into logs 1 inch in diameter and sliced diagonally into ovals.  You may make the Dduk for Dduk Guk yourself, but, I usually purchase it.  You can find it at any Korean grocery.  They may have it fresh or frozen; either is fine.  The dduk can be found in a variety of shapes but for the New Year, the oval dduk are traditional.

The secret to this delicious soup is in the boiling process.  This soup is boiled three times.  However, while I am admitting that I do not make my own dduk for Dduk Guk, I should also admit that I do not always boil my soup 3 times.  Boiling the soup three times is really the only way to get the full marrow from the bones.  In fact, before boiling each time, I should pour off the previous water to save for other soups and add new water to make a more pure marrow soup each time.....but, after 3 times, that is just too much soup for my family! 

Traditional Dduk Guk
(Rice Cake Soup)

2-3 lbs. beef bones
1-2 lbs. stew beef
5 cloves garlic
1 bay leaf
1 onion, halved
6x6 inch piece of cheese cloth
4 inch string
Dduk or Simple Rice Cakes

  1. Rub the stew meat with salt and allow to rest until you are ready to cook.
  2. Put the garlic, bay leaf and onion in a piece of cheesecloth and tie with cotton string.
  3. Heat 2 T rice oil in the bottom of a large stock pot.
  4. Cook the meat and bones until brown.
  5. Add a cup of water to the pot and scrape the brownings from the bottom of the pan.
  6. Fill the stock pot with water, add the spice bouquet, and cover.
  7. Bring the water to a boil and allow to simmer on the stove for 4-6 hours, adding water when necessary to prevent the pot from boiling dry.
  8. Allow the soup to cool. Remove the cooled fat and scum from the top of the soup.
  9. Bring the soup back up to a boil and allow to boil for another 4-6 hours, until all of the goodness has come from the bones.
  10. Cool soup, remove fat and spice bouquet, strain soup and return to a boil.
  11. While the soup is coming back up to a boil, sort and chop the tasty pieces of stew meat that are in the strainer.
  12. Add the chopped stew meat to the soup.
  13. Taste the soup and add salt to taste.
  14. Once the soup reaches a gently rolling boil, place enough dduk in the soup for each guest to have around 10 pieces.
  15. Allow the dduk to cook until it is soft then serve the soup and dduk immediately.
  16. Do not allow dduk to sit in the broth; the dduk will swell then fall apart, becoming inedible.