
Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent 2011: The Light of Christmas

When the Christmas season rolls around, one of the great highlights of the season is riding around looking at the outdoor light displays.  I am not sure why, when there are so many great parts of Christmas, I love this part the most.  Perhaps it is because we didn't really hang outdoor lights when I was growing up.  Or maybe it's because we didn't have snow so I never saw the glisten of winter lights on a new fallen snow.  I just don't know why.  But, what I do know is that my fascination started young.  I remember watching neighbors line their driveways with paper bag luminaries.  I would think, "When I grow up, I am going to put those everywhere!"

Well, I did grow up.  And, I still love those holiday lights whether they are simple or complex.  And, I have had my turn at lighting up the house for all to see. (That promptly ended about a year after marriage when our lights froze to the gutters and we had to blowdry them off before moving!)  Now, I keep it simple... a luminary here and there, lights on the trees, and that is it.

Tonight we celebrate the lights of Christmas.  The lights that are painstakingly hung each year or tenderly tucked in a paper bag to light each night.  Tonight we celebrate the Light that only Christmas can bring.

Christmas Adventus 2011 Day 9:  Before the family advent time begins tonight, turn on a tea light and place it in Advent Bag #9.  Dim the lights and ask your littlest angel to get the bag for tonight's advent time, but don't peek inside.  Talk to your family about the light that you used to see at Christmas.  Ask them if they rememer any special Christmas lights that they enjoyed.  You may read my introduction to "The Light of Christmas", if you would like.

When everyone has shared, remind your angels that Christmas lights are just another reminder that Jesus came as the Light of the World (John 9:5, NIV).  Remind them that, just like the light shines through their Advent bag, they should let their Light shine so that God may be praised (Matthew 5:14-16, NIV).

Click on Christmas Adventus 2011 to find out what we did to remember that Jesus is the Light of the World.

For our other Advent activities, see "Christmas Adventus 2011: Celebrating Allergy-Free".

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